Vince Gee


Yesterday I got to see some cool stuff. While at the team hotel I saw our new team truck. Last year we had an old white truck that was about 8 meters long (about 24 feet), a 9 meter truck (about 27 feet). Also we had a small bus and a camper to get the riders to and from the races.
This year we got rid of our small truck (8 meter) truck and got bigger newer stuff. Our newest truck is 10 meters long and is absolutely the coolest thing I’ve seen. I don’t know exactly how many it holds but I’m going to estimate that it holds about 50 bikes and about 70 pairs of wheels. There are a few other cool things within the truck but I got to save some of it’s secrets, so you will have to see the mechanics work to see some of the cool things it has.
Like last year we also bring our small truck to the tour. Small meaning the 9 meter truck. It comes only for the Prologue and the Team time trial. It will bring all the TT stuff and go back to our service course right after the TTT. It will come back for the Uphill TT (first part is flat so it may be a TT bike/Road bike switcheroo) and the long TT. Again it will go back to our service course after all the TTs are done.
We also have our new bus. Some of you have seen it on the TV special “Road to Paris” by Nike. It is huge and besides having space for the entire team and both Johan and Dirk (not including the driver) it has many other amenities. Two bathrooms and two showers. A huge fridge to have a ton an of cold drinks (and food) for after the race. It also has space underneath for bikes to be stored. Huge is not even close to describing it.
Naturally it has a TV/Video player and a great stereo for the riders to have something to take their minds off riding while traveling to and from the start of the races.
All in all we now have Two (big) trucks, two (big) busses, two Sharans (vans) and I think something like a dozen Passat wagons. Can you say parking problem? Our service course has only as little parking area. So, some people like Johan, Dirk, Freddy and a few other people have cars at home for themselves. Some of the other vehicles are parked at the Nazareth (the Naz) hotel we stay at a lot during the season. The Naz hotel manager and staff gives us a lot of leeway to use their hotel facilities.
So much new stuff.


Owner of and long time professional race mechanic.