About Us
This site was created as a means of making information more readily available to race mechanics and those interested in becoming race mechanics. The Mechanics Advisory Council had been providing quarterly issues of ToesClips by mail and inserted articles in the US Cycling Federation’s monthly magazine; however, this information was forgotten or lost once the issue was put away. Thus a means of providing a storehouse for this information was sought.
In the mid ’90s this site existed on free space provided by AOL. In 1997 the ProMechanics domain was acquired, the remaining ToeClips articles were added and the site began to grow.
Though our website has gone through numerous changes, the primary purpose has lived on. Due to assistance from members of M.A.C. and other race mechanics we continue to add articles of interest and try to keep the website up to date on rule changes, where mechanics are working and how to reach important groups or programs.
ProMechanics over time: