Done with team bikes.
Today was barely a half day of work. It was Sunday so we decided on a easy day today. So we easily built the rest of the riders team bikes. With a little (OK a lot) of clean up after building the team bikes, we then did some organizing of things like saving a few boxes for shipping/traveling later, saving some packing material (the size of a box for 4 wheels) when we need to pack at the end of camp, and stacked the bike bags we brought for guys who did not have one yet. We moved the bars and gels and bottles towards the front of the container and put the packing/shipping stuff in the very back since we will not need it at all till the end of camp. But the bars and gels and bottles need to be accessible and not buried deep in the container.
And now off to the often favorite past time for Euros. Shopping. A hour away is Santa Maria where Julien, Juan, Craig and Alan did some shopping and I just went along to show them where the cool things they like are located. A few hours before dinner we returned to ruin our dinner (as our mothers would call it) by having a bit of Ice Cream. Dinner was less than 2 hours away and we were headed to desert.