Vince Gee

The Island of Dr. Moreau

I arrived in Savannah Friday so I decided to stay at a more manageable Hotel for two days. A hotel where I can park and do some work while having some anonymity. I also have power and water at this small hotel. I did not see at the race hotel we will be at for the two days before the race starts but I did not look to hard.
When I did finally arrive at the race hotel in Downtown Savannah, I found the possibility of work to be even more difficult than imagined. My concern of no water/power in sight was confirmed. This was going to be tough. Worse yet was the fact that there was no parking close by at all. In San Francisco, I got a special permit to park my truck in a meter zone. That was not going to happen here. Parking was at an even higher premium.
The race organizer told me about the team truck parking (and any other cars we needed to park). It was sort of close by but not close by in reality. In a straight line it was 500 meters away. But to get there we needed to take a bridge across the river that divided our hotel with our parking lot. It was actually a small island with a golf course too. The actual distance was probably about 2.5 to 3k drive. So the trip took a couple of minutes at best.
Not easy at all to get to, but on the plus side it was on an island so you had to have a purposes to go there. No one was just going to walk by for no reason. Plus the race organizer had security there to watch out trucks/equipment. That was a huge plus. Water was readily available but power was not. Oh well. I guess I can go a day or two without listening to music while working.
I arrived in the lot almost last. Now that I think about it, I was dead last. All the teams with big truck or trailers as well as the Mavic truck were parked along one access road. All except one team which was parked inside the lot. I did not like the cluster along the access road so I decided to park in the lot with the one other team. The next day some of the teams moved closer to me in the lot and there were only one or two trucks on the access road. Afterwards, I was told all teams were ordered to not park at the access road. I hate moving my truck after getting it situated. Moving hoses buckets (and this time not needing to move my power cord) and closing shop just to move is a royal pain in the ass. So I felt a little lucky to have picked the right spot to park.
But it felt like we were so isolated on this island. The Island of Dr. Moreau


Owner of and long time professional race mechanic.