Worlds Junior Women TT prep
Here at worlds the US delegation has organized all staff for the different categories. On the mechanics side Geoff Brown (US Postal) is in charge of the Elite (Pros), George Noyes (formerly Domo-Farm Frits) is in charge of the Under 23 men, Dave Pitts (US Federation – T-Mobile) is in charge of the women and Danny Debuck (US U23s based in Belgium) is in charge of the junior women and junior men. I am here to help both Geoff with the Elites and George with the U23s.
The Junior men and U23s had not arrived yet and thus Danny had not arrived as he was with all of these riders a couple of hours away. So after conferring with George who had a ton of U23 bikes piled in front of him to do, I proceeded to take care of the Junior women who were to race the TT Tuesday. It was truly amazing to see how much bike stuff these two women stuffed into their bike bags. Both girls came with one bike bag each. Both with a road bike, TT bike, road wheels and TT wheels each. Thinking into the future it was going to be a challenge to get the jigsaw puzzle of bikes wheels, etc., back into their bike bags.
These two women who normally have the least support had pretty darn clean bikes and equipment that was in pretty good shape. Since they hardly ever have a team mechanic to do the day to day stuff I was expecting the worst. I got both of their road bikes and both of their TT bikes ready for the TT. We needed to use their road bikes as spare bikes for following them in the TT. I was only able/scheduled to follow one of then the next morning but all 4 bikes had to be prepped and fixed and made perfect.