Division 1 teams out done by a division 2 team (in one category at least)
Mega cool factor award. This goes to a division 2 team. Wow, are we (division one) teams out done by a division 2 team? Not over all but in the cool car award, yes we are.
The Coast professional team (yes the team we took the hotel rooms from) has a very cool automobile sponsor. They are sponsored by Mercedes. Normally I am not impressed by Mercedes. They are everywhere, so it is no big deal. The Coast team had a Mercedes truck, small van and a couple of wagons. All were Black so that was cool to start. The best thing though was the caravan car. It was the top of the line wagon done by AMG. I’m not sure if that is after market thing or something dome special by Mercedes though. It was lowered but not like a lowrider. Just a little lower. Nice and bright alloy rims with low profile tires. Air dam, spoilers and skirts all the way around the bottom. All of this for better performance. Not really necessary for a caravan car, but cool nonetheless. It seems like more like something Puff Daddy would drive but with a cool bike rack on top.