Just the shirt on my back
After a delay (Sacramento) and a missed flight (London), I arrived in Brussels 6 hours late and with just the shirt on my back. OK a little more than that, but not much more. The airline lost my luggage. I’ve always had good luck traveling w/my luggage but the law of odds caught up to me. If you fly often enough, It will eventually happen. It’s a good thing we are doing a race near our service course. If I need some team clothing (such as t shirts, Polo’s, socks, etc.), I can get some from there. Jeans and such will have to be intrusted to my Visa card.
Again a rare treat as we will be staying in one hotel for 3 days and then onto the second hotel for one day and then again three days in our third hotel for one stage race. I know I said we don’t usually stay in one hotel before. I think I got the luck of the draw again. Good thing as it will make the change to this time zone easier if we don’t have to do all that extra work switching hotels all the time. Tomorrow we leave for Tour de Regione Wallonne