Spain to France
Today’s stage started in Spain and finished in France. The hotels we stayed at during this stage race were pretty good. A fair amount of room (by Euro standards) and pretty good food. Today though we finished in France and are staying at a pretty poor excuse for a hotel. Our room (I’m rooming with Geoff our other mechanic here) is about 8 or 9 feet by 6 or 7 feet. Not even enough room to open our suitcases. I have to open it on top of my bed, get what I need and close it and put it in the corner. A closet is bigger than this room.
For dinner we had lettuce (supposed to be a salad but it was lettuce only), over cooked (and thus dry as a bone) chicken, and something supposed to be soup. I had about a third of my dinner and Arno (our camper driver) and I made plans for a real dinner elsewhere. Down the street was a sign from heaven. A big golden M. Yes, a McDonalds. While we ate, our conversation was over heard by a family. They were from Salt Lake City and also noticed our US Postal shirts and two of them had to have a picture with Arno and I in front of the French Mickey Ds.