Are you insured?
It’s been a while since the topic of health insurance has popped up on ProMechanics. With the recent passing of Swiss mechanic Erwin Wildhaber we are putting out the reminder for the need for both health and liability coverage.
Consider the following:
* the coverage provided by USA Cycling is only secondary insurance and only covers you during activities supported by USA Cycling.
* USA Cycling’s insurance does not cover your personal vehicles and might not cover your equipment.
* with many teams your employment as a contractor might not provide you with coverage for health or liability for yourself or your equipment
* part time work with a team or neutral program will most likely not provide you with coverage
* some home-ownership insurance plans will cover your personal equipment. Check with your insurance rep to clarify.
There are many plans available and numerous websites capable of offering you assistance in your search. Try searching for “health care plans” and “liability insurance” in your favorite search engine.
For more information on USA Cycling’s program and insurance options, see:
Our hearts go out to the Wildhaber family and to the Scott-Swisspower athletes hurt in this incident.
Stay safe out there.