
Where are the Updates?

Thank you for visiting our site. As you can most likely tell, it has been some time since we last provided any news. Thus some of the content on our website is dated.
Since our last update, the USA Cycling license program has stopped, started, and restarted. And a few heated discussions have occurred regarding the current purpose for a license and what the mechanic receives in return.
A new entity also emerged, the Professional Bicycle Mechanics Association, or PBMA. Though started by a group of experienced race mechanics, their goal is the betterment of conditions for and education of all bicycle mechanics. They currently have various membership levels and provide clinics, training, and other programs.
As to this website, it was run by a person who had worked full time as a race mechanic, ran a few race programs, and then supported athletes and support programs thru their involvement in the bicycle industry. Due to reduced time on the race circuit and conflicts with personal time, the site fell behind.
A lot of the information on this website is still relevant. However, a lot is also dated. It sure could use a cleaning. If you have an interest in updating the data and boosting the content, let me know via the form to the right. I am open to other ideas as well.


Owner of and long time professional race mechanic.