Vince Gee

Uphill TT at the Village depart

Today’s stage was a pleasant way to relax. Our VIP tour group was all but done with the rides so after taking one of them to the airport, I had plenty of time to go hang out at the race. VIP passes were limited and even our team had only a handful so I was instantly out of that pool.
Nonetheless, I walked the 500 meters to the Village depart (start area) where the teams were preparing for the TT. The TDF had a huge area fenced off so that all the teams and riders could prepare for the TT in peace. Sort of. The only way to get into the Village was to have a pass. Thinking we only had a few passes I thought the Village was going to be quiet. No dice. It was packed by tons of people with passes. But not me. After a while of watching from the outside I saw an opening and jumped the fence as the Police were turning to the other direction. I was in! Yeah! I walked around a little but had to say hello to my team and staff. As lance prepared for his go at the TT he drew the biggest crowd by far. I I chatted with a ton of people I knew including some (former) Sacramento boys. I even got to see and chat with Robin Williams. Since watching Lance do more than 100 meters as he would zip by, the plan was to go back to our hotel where we had a huge screen TV (again!). This room was packed with so many people but the coolest thing was listening to Robin Williams give his own play by play on Lance and the others. I’m going to need surgery from laughing so hard. His impression of Phil Ligget and Sean Kelly was impeccable as he had everyone else in stitches too. A great way to watch the TT. Live on a big screen TV and commentary by Robin Williams. Bart our Belgium soigneur asked me later who the funny guy was. He had no clue even after I explained all the movies and TV shows he was in. Bart was laughing but at the same time had no clue.


Owner of and long time professional race mechanic.