
Gotta Have Tools 2001

Seven tools that every mechanic must have for 2001.

  1. Pedros Pit kitPedros Pit Kit
    Pedros, known for the lubricants and cleaning solutions offer this pre-made cleaning kit which includes a car size sponge, misc brushes and shammy, solutions and the bucket to mix your suds in.
  2. Park Tool brush kitPark Tool Brush Kit
    Now that you have your cleaning kit, how about some fancy brushes. Park Tool is now offering the BCB4 brush kit with these nice tools designs to fit into the nooks and cranny’s of your team’s bikes.
  3. Pedros standPedros Prototype Bike Stand
    So, is it time for a simpler bike stand to hold those bikes being washed? Here’s something that Pedros has been working on. Check out the gun-style, slip jaws.
  4. Park Cable CutterPark Tool Cable Cutter
    Park’s latest offering for cutting cable, the CN10. Its thicker and stronger.
  5. Pedros cog toolCog Wrench
    Finally, throw away your chain whips. Pedros now offers a cog wrench with pins that lock onto the outer cog and bit stronger than those wimpy chain tools. Need to loosen a cassette? You need this tool.
  6. Pedros beverage wrenchBeverage Wrench
    When all is said and done, we mechanics need something of our own, something that shows relaxation is also cool. In an effort to bolster out late night ciesta, Pedros has created the Beverage Wrench of choice.
  7. Park Tool kitTool Kit
    For the newbies out there, Park Tool has created a home/traveling tool kit. The PK57 offers all the tools necessary to cover things from brakes and shifting to headset installation and even comes with its own box.

Thanks to Park Tool and Pedros for photos


Owner of and long time professional race mechanic.