Vince Gee

Some Georgia logistics — and — It’s a small world

Normally I don’t have much to write home about AFTER a race. But in order to get home from Georgia I had to do a LOT more traveling. For me that usually means driving.
Prior to ToG one of our cars was left in Philly ever since the August, NY race last year. Just before ToG, Jim E and his daughter drove from Lancaster to Philly, got the team car for us and drove it to ToG. Then after they returned home to Lancaster. Tuesday Jim, by chance, made it to Philly the same time I did (almost) to park the car there for us so we would have it for Philly week.
After the ToG, I drove from Alpharetta, GA (last city of ToG), to Baltimore on Monday (650 miles). Tuesday I drove the rest of the way to Philly (100 plus miles) and parked the team truck at my friend Pete’s place. Since Jim had gotten there almost at the same time with our team car, he was kind enough to take me to the airport. I was scheduled for a 5:00 PM flight to Chicago for a 8:30 PM flight and finally scheduled to arrive home at almost 11:00, I opted to try for a stand by flight as I got into Philly a bit earlier than I thought. I easily got on the 3:00 flight to Chicago but when I got there the earlier Chicago flight was full and it seemed my work was for nothing. I would be destined to get on my normal scheduled flight. I sat there as they called off names from the stand by list. They called one person then a second then a third. I thought no way more than 3 so I got in the frame of mind of the late flight. Then the counter woman looked at me and said that I had the best seat on the plane. THE VERY LAST ONE! Yes!! I’m home (about) 2 1/2 hours earlier than I thought.
What luck!!!
On my ride home in the shuttle van I met a guy who was in Sacto on business. He said he had a Mayor’s conference. He happened to be the Mayor of Solvang Ca and knew we trained there each January. He wanted to invite the team to a pre-camp get together hosted by the Solvang Chamber of commerce next time we had camp there. I told him that it would be a good chance we would be there again as it was good weather and best of all good training for the riders.
Wacky meeting the Mayor of Solvang on a Shuttle from the airport. Such a small world.


Owner of and long time professional race mechanic.