Vince Gee

Never — not once ? ever

This is my 10th season as a professional mechanic. Philly week is the only event that I’ve been to each season without failure. Although in 1999 I was with a women’s team, and that year we only did the Philly race on Sunday. Lancaster and Trenton are the two races that lead up to the Championship race on Sunday. Since those are men’s only races I did not get to work them that season.
Getting to the start of Lancaster has never been a problem since it is relatively small compared to most of the cities we race in. But returning to Philly each time has always posed a problem for me when I was in charge of getting back. The past three years specifically come to mind in terms of getting lost trying to get back to Philly. On the plus side each year my “Detour” got smaller and smaller so I was not to far (away) from my actual route. But still I managed to add at least 40 minutes to our return.
Not that it justifies my lack of direction but Lancaster starts and ends late and we usually are not able to leave there till 8:00 PM and then it is almost dark and the route is even foggier. Or at least my brain is foggier.
I don’t think I have ever made it back from Lancaster (if I was in charge) and made a direct route home. Never — not once — ever.


Owner of and long time professional race mechanic.