Vince Gee

Looks like I’ve been here all Day

Normally prefer to arrive at the team hotel at least 24 hours before any riders arrive so that I can relax, check in the hotel, hook up my water hose and power cord and generally get things ready for when the riders arrive.
I had planned a trip to So Cal for some fun before just before Philly. So, because that trip was to go well into late Friday night, I could not get on any plane until Saturday early. Since the Euro riders (and Euro staff) were to arrive Saturday Night, It was gonna be tight time wise to get here much before they did. Lucky for me my flights went better than I had thought. It was originally to be LA to Denver with a 90 min layover and then into Philly at 4:30 PM. I was able to jump on a flight from Denver that was 60 minutes earlier than my scheduled flight and thus got in at 3:30 PM.
I hurried to get checked in, power and water. I then had to go to the airport to help Dave and Amy get the Euros. From the outside it looked like I was here relaxing all day having been set up for a while. But in reality I just was able to get things in order with little time before the bulk of the team arrived.


Owner of and long time professional race mechanic.