Vince Gee

I’d better rest and not party

The Redlands stage race is in the books. A fun time to be had by me and some friends on various teams. One thing we did was make sure all of my brothers in our mechanics union can have a chance to relax and have a little fun. So, Friday was a Union meeting at the Falconer bar for a little hydration. A good time because there was good attendance at the first union meeting of the year. The union is blooming and more and more mechanics (and some soigneurs too) were there to party. Saturday was St. Patrick’s Day so it was almost a sin to not go out again and sip on a beverage to honor that holiday. Although I was feeling a bug knocking at my door I went out nonetheless. I had to. I’m the union president. I have to set the tone for the others. Friday was also a time to get to the Spunky Steer for another of my (Redlands only) traditions. A good diner with a few friends. Bacon wrapped Filet Mignon’s all the way around and a crazy low bill to make it seen like we were ripping off the restaurant. Or they were shorting themselves on the bill. Good food value as Tom Shuler would say.
I wanted to go out Sunday night since the race was over and we only had to drive to Monterey, CA via Irvine, CA. I decided I’d better rest and not party. I’ll have time later at Sea Otter to play.


Owner of and long time professional race mechanic.