Vince Gee

“Holland, the land of bikers, Eric Dekker and Rabobank”

Holland is one of the busiest countries for cyclists. There are tons here and everyone rides here. Moms, Dads and their kids ride along on mile after mile of bike paths. Even Grandma and Grandpa pack in the miles on their bikes. Only China had more bikers but that was out of nesisity/economics. Here they ride to work, to school, to coffee and just for fun.
We are in Eric Dekkers homeland and he is God here. He just won the National TT championships and did well in the Tour de France too. Every one wants a piece of him. Autograph hounds and reporters surround him all the time. All the while he smiles and signs autographs or answers questions. He rides for Rabobank and thus almost everyone you see are Rabobank fans. In the US kids wear a Michael Jordan #23 jersey or a Bret Farve #4 or what ever team/athlete they like. Here, there are literally tons of people riding around in Rabobank colors. 70%of the jerseys (on tourists or fans or whatever) I see are Rabobank. the other 30% are the collective colors of all the other teams. Go Rabobank!


Owner of and long time professional race mechanic.