Bernard Kocis

Good ideas sometimes work!

Bernard KOCIS- Journal
13 May, 2008

Sometimes good ideas do work out!

Over the past five years, I’ve tried to get whatever team I’m on to allow me to bring on volunteer mechanics for events that have more than 6 riders. This year, I am lucky to be on a team that sees the value of such a plan. And doubly lucky to have brought on a volunteer worthy of the effort.

After asking Justin, USAC’s Head Mechanic/Operations Manager to put out a ‘volunteers wanted’ request from me to the licensed mechanics who have been through the Bill Woodul Mechanics Clinic, I received a number of responses. From those, one guy was able to arrange for his own travel to the event and was the one I was able to invite since our team budget could not handle travel expenses.

As I suspected, there are many people willing to do what it takes to get some good experience. Carlos is one. His plan is to work for as many teams as possible, learning from the various Team mechanics and adapting their styles into his. Good plan if you ask me!

Coincidentally, at the final stage of the last race I was approached by, Reed, another mechanic working for a team just for that event. He attended the Bill Woodul Clinic the last time I was an Instructor, seems he is trying for the same experience as Carlos. Didn’t have much opportunity to catch up with him, I hope he’s learning and enjoying.

As the season progresses I intend to ask Justin to put out more requests for volunteer help. If there are licensed mechanics in the respective areas able to help, please contact me. Some of the upcoming events include: Triple Crown, Allentown/Reading/Philly, PA (02-08 June); Tour de Beauce, Canada (09-15 June); Canadian Nationals, Beauce, CAN (03-06 July).
Local mechanics are my choice only because our Team budget does not allow for travel expenditures for second mechanics. So if you aren’t local but can get to an event on your own, please contact me.

Having another mechanic has given me time and opportunity to complete projects that would have left me little time for sleep, adding to the stress level and bringing me that much closer to cracking prematurely if I had to do things alone.

I look forward to meeting and working with as many of you and possible!
