Vince Gee

Empty parking lot

Empty parking lot As usual, I drove to Solvang early as I am responsible for the team truck and most of what we will need for camp that has not been shipped in advance already. More so than bringing parts, frames etc,. I bring things like work stands, wash materials, some tool boxes (Julien and Geoff leave a tool box in the US truck semi-permanantly), and the air compressor for example. And for the soigneurs I have brought some of their their massage tables (left with me from Austin camp) radios, and various soigneur supplies. Not to mention the trucks washer and dryer inside. It is going to be impossible for the truck’s washer and dryer to do all 28 riders laundry. If we did that it would be going 24 hours a day. So the washer/dryer are mainly for staff since we don’t do laundry every day. I usually do laundry every other day or every third day for my own casual clothing. The team laundry is done at a local laundromat close by. They have huge washer/dryers and the 28 riders worth of clothing can be done in less than 2 hours. Like Austin camp, the hotel here has done this for us the past few years. So when I drove into the parking lot just before dinner time, there was already a space saved for us. Also, the hotel organized (at our request) a 20 x 20 tent and a 45 foot long storage container. The tent is just in case it rains and we have a little shelter for the Soigneurs to have their "spread" before the ride starts. But for the first few days it will be for us mechanics to work under along with the trucks awnings. We have some shelter if needed. The storage container will be just that. A place for storage. For example it will be impossible to fit all 28 bikes and 6 spare bikes in the truck so that is one of many uses we will need this storage container for.

Tonight I am free for dinner. In a few days we will have meals organized by the hotel daily. Breakfast, lunch and Dinner. With this strict regimine it will be good food but more good fuel. Imagine your favorite restaurant. Pick one that you love AND has a deep variety. No picture yourself going there for meals for 20 days in a row. That is one part of the life on the road with a professional cycling team. So, I’m off to find something good (re: different) to eat and maybe, just maybe a nice glass of wine to unwind from the 350 mile/7 hour drive here


Owner of and long time professional race mechanic.