Vince Gee

D?j? vu

Last night we got a shocking report and thus a shocking job to do. Our car was in LA and we needed it here badly. So the plan was to have Janet (our office manager) fly to LA on Friday morning and drive it to Vegas. BJ and I were to fly from DC to Vegas at Friday at high noon and arrive at 4 (Vegas time). We would then get the car from Janet, drop her off at the airport so she could fly back to SF and hit the road back to DC. Our goal was to get the car back Monday night or Tuesday morning at the very latest. We had a caravan in Lancaster Tuesday night.
Timing could not have been better going to Vegas to get the car. Our flights were perfectly on time and when we landed I called Janet to see where she was. I was walking out of the terminal and calling her to find out she had just pulled into the parking lot. How good was that? I don’t think we could ever duplicate that again. That was a huge bonus. Neither Janet nor BJ and I had to wait at all.
BJ and I had a well deserved dinner (our only sit down dining this entire trip) in Vegas and hit the road at 7 PM Vegas time on Friday (midnight DC time). We drove 3 or so hours and went to sleep somewhere smack dab in the middle of Utah. We got up the next morning (Saturday) at about 9:30 and hit the road for the real part of our trip. BJ and I discussed it and we wanted to power through it as fast as humanly possible. So the plan was to drive a tank of gas and the other would sleep during that time. We flew across the country stopping only for gas and a simultaneous a bathroom stop. Occasionally we would get some food but it was minimum stop time and maximum drive time. We did it all in one swoop and it was tough but rewarding in a crazy way. We pulled into DC at about 3 DC time on Sunday. That was 2,460 miles. You do the math. All along the way (mostly that is) we saw beautiful I-70. It seemed like Deja vu as we both just did this same (almost) drive and finishing it 4 days ago. In total it was an incredible 5,380 miles in the past 9 days. Ouch!
PS: Janet had offered to marry me if went to get the car in Vegas and drive it back to DC. Unfortunately time did not permit that (even though it would have been fast) so I postponed it till later. Maybe we can plan a more elaborate wedding and invite you all.


Owner of and long time professional race mechanic.