Vince Gee

Deep Breath

The Redlands stage race finished Sunday. Monday we went to take a tour of the Oakley factory with our team and the Saturn team. If you have a chance, get out there to see it. The building alone is impressive. I used to think sunglasses were a dime a dozen. No longer the case I’m positive. Oakley glasses are far superior I believe. Don’t think this is a plug because I’m not sponsored by them. I do own some Oakleys though. If you get to take the tour, you’ll see why.
Tuesday was a rest day with little to do. We basically got things ready like getting power and water set up and then sent the guys off on a short spin around Monterey. Today is a real work day though. We are getting things ready for the Sea Otter stage race. A few airport runs to be done also to pick up a rider coming in and our Soigneur Amy B who will be working Sea Otter with us. I’ve worked with Amy before when we were on the Cox/Atlanta velo team in 99. She has some interesting (Important) friends in the music industry. I’ll let her tell you about them if you have the opportunity to meet her.
Tomorrow is going to be tough. Tough because it is a double day. A morning stage and an afternoon stage with only a short time between to get things ready for the afternoon stage. On top of that, the morning stage is a Time Trial. You probably already know of my deep admiration for having TTs (maximum sarcasm intended). It is going to be an early morning working straight through the day, afternoon and into the early evening.


Owner of and long time professional race mechanic.