Vince Gee

Comfortably at home with the Ice Cream truck

From 1995 until mid 1998 I worked with the Saturn professional cycling team. That was three and a half great seasons with them. I had done and seen a lot of things with them in that time. I visited (worked races in) China, South Africa and Malaysia. I got to work with some great staff and riders.
Before even getting one day as a team mechanic I had set my goals. On the drive to Wisconsin for the first time, I thought to myself that I would be a mechanic for 10 years. After one season of hard work, I reassessed my goals. I trimmed it to 8 years. After 2 years I trimmed my goals to 6 years. After the third season I had decided to quit. Rene had asked me to stay and offered me the job as warehouse mechanic. Thinking I would like the reduced travel schedule and the increased responsibility, I jumped at it. I’ll do another (4th) season I said. To this day I don’t have a good answer for why I quit midway through that season. Now after a half of the 98 season off and being a part timer with different teams in 99, I’m back as a full time mechanic since the beginning of 2000. One thing I would have never guessed was that I never thought I would ever drive the (old) Saturn truck. Last year I put a proposal to get a team truck and thus got one. Not just any truck. We (Postal) purchased the old Saturn team truck, since I knew Ian was getting a new (bigger) truck. Actually I was pushing for a bigger truck way back when I was on Saturn in late 97. Back in the day with Dave P and Fernando T, we called it (small truck) the Ice Cream truck since it was sort of small. Fernando (I think) did not care for that nickname. Dave P and I thought it was funny and accurate so it has stuck with me. So here I am, Comfortably at home with the Ice Cream truck.


Owner of and long time professional race mechanic.