Vince Gee

Coasting with a big tailwind at my back.

Now that I have all my (US) time trials out of the way, all seems easy. Easier is probably more accurate. No team (of any team) mechanics job is easy by any means. Today’s Race was a Road Race through Fort Ord. Fort Ord is an old abandoned military base. Today is a tough race compared to many US events. It was 120 plus miles and pretty hilly. Huge groups were coming off the back left and right. In the caravan it felt like we were a jet fighter weaving our way through the debris from all the planes that had just been shot down. Even though today was a tough stage, my work seemed to be easier. Partly because we lost 3 riders to time cuts, injuries, and just being shelled after a hard days work. So 4 bikes to take care of for the next stage will make things easier. But for the most part since it is an easy stage tomorrow and starts late, I’ll have plenty of time to do my job. I feel like I’m coasting along with a big tailwind at my back.


Owner of and long time professional race mechanic.