Vince Gee

Berg x 22

Today is the last day of the Rhonde van Nederland. This last stage is very similar to the course that is used for the Amstel Gold World cup. I was told that race has about 25 climbs (bergs). Today’s stage has 22 “BERGS”in 230 kilometers. The bergs are not long but steep. They range from three hundred meters long to maybe a kilometer long. But, as I said, they are steep. We passed through the city of Valkenburg which was the city that hosted the World championships in 98 (I think). We climbed the Cauberg which was the main climb at the Valkenburg worlds. Ouch! I feel the pain even from the car. It makes me think of a friend who did the worlds that year. I call her “The criminal” and I always wished/thought she would become world champion. She was fast as hell. The Valkenburg course was hard and steep though. I can almost see her expression as she climbed the Cauberg even though I was not there. I also called her FWC. I hope she remembers what that meant. You will have to figure out who she is to ask her what FWC means.
I’m a snoozer. While in the caravan, it is easy for me to fall asleep. Part because mechanics work hard and odd hours. Mostly because I can fall asleep anywhere. It is not just me. Lots of mechanics sleep in the car. Some (meaning me) more than others. I’m very proud to say that I only slept during ONE stage (caravan) here. OK, Juan went in the car for one stage and add to the fact that the prologue and 20k TT were short. That made the odds better. I’ve never stayed awake foe a whole stage race. Once at the tour du Pont, there was a 7 hour stage and I slept for about 5 hours of the 7. I was dead tired that day.


Owner of and long time professional race mechanic.